Pioneer pea — Independence Pass Foundation

Pioneer pea

Astragalus alpinus, June 18, 2023

Summit, 12,100’, July 25, 2023

Common & scientific name

Alpine milkvetch, Astragalus alpinus


Pea, Fabaceae


Star Mountain, 12,000’

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact

This circumpolar, pioneer plant may be the most widely distributed and common Astragalus in the world. While it is rarely found above treeline in our area, despite its name, and is more common on the east side of the Pass than the west, it is always a delight to find, in subalpine woods, meadows, and even (especially!) roadside, with its dainty purple-and-white flowers set among its sprawling ladder-like leaves. It is also enjoyed by caribou, arctic hares, and greater snow geese (as food, that is), and grizzly bears forage its underground parts.