The higher goldenrod

Solidago simplex, July 19, 2022

Common & scientific name
Dwarf goldenrod, Solidago simplex

Sunflower, Asteraceae

Linkins Lake, 12,000’

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
The only sure-fire method of distinguishing this from the similar-looking Solidago multiradiata is to look at the petioles (the leaf stems) on its lower leaves to see if they are strongly ciliate-margined (have hairs sticking straight out on their edges, and if their outer phyllaries are shorter than the inner (imbricate: overlapping like shingles on a roof. The answer to the first is no, the second yes, differentiating it from S. multiradiata. It CAN hybridize with S. multiradiata, though . . .