Viviparous, indeed! — Independence Pass Foundation

Viviparous, indeed!

Bistorta vivipara, July 21, 2021

Bistorta vivipara, July 21, 2021

Common & scientific name
Alpine bistort, Bistorta vivipara

Buckwheat, Polygonaceae

Linkins Lake , 12,000

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
"Vivipara" is Latin for "brings forth alive.” A viviparous plant reproduces from buds that form plantlets while still attached to the parent plant.  In the case of Bistorta vivipara, little red bulblets (that can be seen on the left side of the plant in the photo) are produced below and next to its small, white flowers. 

B. vivipara, Champion, 12,500’, July 27, 2021

B. vivipara, Champion, 12,500’, July 27, 2021