Kalmia microphylla, June 17, 2021
K. microphylla, North Fork Lake Creek, 11,300’, June 19, 2021,
Common & scientific name
Alpine laurel, Kalmia microphylla
Heath, Ericaceae
Linkins Lake, 12,000
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
Is there any more delightful sight than coming upon a high alpine lake or stream lined with Kalmia? Its bright pink petals are fused into a shallow, saucer-shaped bowl, with anthers that are held under spring-like tension until a large-bodied pollinator (like a bumblebee) triggers the stamen and is showered by pollen. Kalmia was named after one of the star pupils of Carl Linnaeus (the inventor of the binomial system and botanist extraordinaire), Peter Kalm, who collected 60 new species for Linnaeus in North America in 1748, including Alpine laurel.