Erigeron coulteri, July 22, 2020
Common & scientific name
Coulter’s daisy, Erigeron coulteri
Sunflower, Asteraceae
Lost Man trailhead, 10,500’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
This is one of our most common late-summer daisies, blooming from the montane to the alpine in meadows and moist woodlands. It is of medium height (usually less than a foot), has bright white, very thin ray florets (petals), and has white and black hairs on the underside of its flowerhead (on its phyllaries—see photo below). If you see a giant version of this, standing several feet tall, with fewer but wider petals, you are seeing Engelmann’s aster, another late-summer bloomer.
E. coulteri, July 22, 2020