Tundra daisy

Erigeron grandiflorus/simplex, June 23, 2020

Erigeron grandiflorus/simplex, June 23, 2020

Hairy phyllaries of E. grandiflorus/simplex

Hairy phyllaries of E. grandiflorus/simplex

Common & scientific name
One-headed daisy, Erigeron grandiflorus/simplex

Sunflower, Asteraceae

Lackawanna ridge, 12,800

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
This true tundra plant, variously called Erigeron grandiflorus or Erigeron simplex, ranges from lavender to pink to white, has very hairy phyllaries (the whorl of bracts surrounding the flower (actually flowers—as a member of the Sunflower family, the daisy has multiple ray flowers (the “petals”) surrounding multiple disk flowers that make up the yellow middle(the “button”)), and simple (undivided, smooth on the edge) leaves.  This is how to tell it apart from other Erigerons it shares the high country with.