I'm early this year!
Castilleja linarifolia, June 8, 2020
Castilleja linarifolia, yellow version, June 16, 2020
Common & scientific name
Wyoming paintbrush, Castilleja linarifolia
Broomrape, Orobanchaceae
Above winter gate, 8,600’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
One of five species of paintbrushes found on the Pass, Wyoming paintbrush (so named because it is the state flower of Wyoming) is found at the lowest elevations on the Pass, and usually later in the summer than early June. It is the tallest and skinniest in appearance, due to its mostly linear leaves, and does not have the soft, fuzzy appearance of its red cousin, Castilleja miniata. It occasionally takes on varying shades of yellow and orange, as seen in the photos below, likely through mutation.
C. linarifolia, orange version, June 16, 2020